
Spotlight on Tapton House’s early owner

One of our recent newsletters focusses on George Yeldham Ricketts (who was later known as George Yeldham Wilkinson) and his part in the history of the Tapton House estate. Think of Tapton House and most people are aware of George Stephenson and the Markham family but fewer know about Ricketts. Now, thanks to new research, […]

Events History News

Courthouse demolition -our history reflection

In this post we look at the history the former courthouse near the railway station, on Brimington Road and Malkin Street, which is currently (28 January 2024) being demolished. The building is to be replaced by a temporary car park until some form of firm proposals are developed for its replacement. Latterly part used by […]


1974’s massive local government change

In this post we take a look at a largely and perhaps surprisingly unmarked event – the great changes to local government across England and Wales which occurred on 1 April 1974. We’ll focus particularly on the Chesterfield area. The pattern of local government Until April 1974 the pattern of local government in England had […]

History News

Latest Cestrefeld journal published

Our latest Cestrefeld Journal (number 9) has just been published. It contains the usual varied content (see front cover photo below) and it’s priced at £6 (£3 for members) for 38 pages. You can pick up a copy at our meetings or contact us on how to obtain a copy by post –

Events History

Latest newsletter available

Our latest (May 2024) newsletter is now available to download. It features articles on ‘R.P. Davidson’s Cheese Factor – the story of a local family business’ by Simon Davidson and ‘The Great Reform Acts’. Download from the button below or visits our newsletter page, from which you also download past copies.

Events History

Coal makes last trip by rail

In this post we highlight the end of an era for coal by rail through Chesterfield which occurred in late June 2024. In a September 2023 post we highlighted the probable end of the transportation of coal for power generation along the Midland Mainline. Now that has actually occurred, with a journey from Doncaster to […]

Events News

See us at archaeology festival on Sunday 28 July

Pop and see us at the Festival of Archaeology day on Sunday 28 July at Hardwick Hall. For fuller details about the event follow the link here. We’ll be taking our Roman Chesterfield display alongside information on the resources we have available, our meetings programme and how to join us. Hope to see there at […]