History News

Shentall’s delivery lorry

Can you help Ben Hawkins in his restoration of an Ernest Shentall lorry of 1914? In 2008 Ben, from the Birmingham area, purchased a Dennis chassis from Mick Giles (another Dennis enthusiast). The chassis is stamped number 3539; revealing it was supplied to Ernest Shentall of Chesterfield for his wholesale fruit business. The lorry – […]

History News Walks

Town trail now available

We’ve published a new historical trail of the town centre. You can download this two-sided full-colour A4 leaflet at the bottom of this post and via the page we’ve created, accessible by our menu above – ‘Town walking trails’ Written by our Vice-Chair Janet Murphy and designed by CADLHS member David Charlesworth, the new trail […]


New Cestrefeld Journal published

Our new Cestrefeld Journal has been published and is now available. Find out more about what’s in our eighth edition in this post. We’ve a varied series of articles in our Cestrefeld Journal number 8 (for 2023). Ranging from Harry Launder’s connection with Chesterfield, Whittington glass, Chesterfield Congregational Church history to the Slack family, those […]

History News

Priestly’s brickworks and Low Pavement feature in latest downloads

Henry Priestly, his family and his brickworks (at The Brushes, Sheepbridge), along with Low Pavement in the 1890s feature in our two new history paper downloads. Both were originally published some time ago, but are made available, for free, for the first time. History paper 9 – Henry Priestly’s Brickworks Peter and Maeve Hawkins look […]

History News

Chronology make-over commences

Our ‘Chronology of Chesterfield’s History’ has received the first part of a make-over designed to make it easier to access, contain additional information and be more accurate. Read about these developments in this blog. Changes The chronology now comprises an introduction with separate date range pages. These comprise: Background to the changes Explains CADLHS Chairman […]

History News

Iconic train ends its Chesterfield passage

At one time the bane of railway enthusiasts but generally loved by the travelling public, the end is in sight for timetabled Inter-City 125/High Speed Train sets on regular public services passing though or calling at Chesterfield. First introduced on the north-east/south-west (Cross-Country) route through Chesterfield in September 1981 – their last timetabled trains look […]

Events History News

Courthouse demolition -our history reflection

In this post we look at the history the former courthouse near the railway station, on Brimington Road and Malkin Street, which is currently (28 January 2024) being demolished. The building is to be replaced by a temporary car park until some form of firm proposals are developed for its replacement. Latterly part used by […]

History News

Latest Cestrefeld journal published

Our latest Cestrefeld Journal (number 9) has just been published. It contains the usual varied content (see front cover photo below) and it’s priced at £6 (£3 for members) for 38 pages. You can pick up a copy at our meetings or contact us on how to obtain a copy by post –

Events News

See us at archaeology festival on Sunday 28 July

Pop and see us at the Festival of Archaeology day on Sunday 28 July at Hardwick Hall. For fuller details about the event follow the link here. We’ll be taking our Roman Chesterfield display alongside information on the resources we have available, our meetings programme and how to join us. Hope to see there at […]